Blog voyage GB – 3Europe

JOUR 1: arrivée à Londres





Welcome to Elina’s  blog

Hello everybody! I am now back home after a few days in England with all the European class.

I’m going to tell you about our first day, the trip from Les Rousses to Gatwick Airport.

Before the departure I was extremely stressed. We first had to go to Geneva by bus.

Once at the airport, we went through the security control, after that we had to wait before boarding so we took lots of photos!

It was the first time I was on a plane and  it was so cool !

The flight lasted one hour and ten minutes and we landed at Gatwick airport.

After that, we got our suitcase and we left to meet Mikael, our bus driver.

And guess what ? When we arrived in London we took the boat so in the same day we took three diferent means of transport !

It was a long day but a crazy day !

See you! Have a nice day!

Elina ♥

the flight

the flight


London, arrival next to Tower Bridge

London, arrival next to Tower Bridge

Welcome to Charles’s blog

Back from a school trip in GB, I’m going to tell you about the FOOD we ate during our stay!

The food is very different from France. It was often fatty but very good !

In the evening, in our host family, we ate a potato cheese dish, pizza, turkey and of course baked beans !

The packed lunch wasn’t so good because the sandwiches weren’t crispy, so one day we ate at Mc Donald’s and we were really happy !!!

Breakfast was the same as in France (toast, jam, juices)

About the drinks we couldn’t drink beer so we drank lemonade and water.


Armand’s blog

Hi everybody ! I’m back home from a school trip in England and Wales. I am going to tell you about the food and drinks in England. First, for lunch,  we had a packed lunch peparated by our host family.Everybody didn’t like it but believe me, I did !In the evening, we sometimes had  special English dishes ! It was excellent ! And we drank limonade !In the morning, we always had toasts and cereal. The family’s mother offered hot chocolate and coffee. Personally I chose coffee.In cities, there are many sweet shops and lots of junk food !In my opinion the food was good and divert.Finally, this school trip was great !!!

Matteo’s blog

Hi everybody ! During my school trip I slept and ate with my friends in an English host family so I’m going to tell you about them.

Before the trip I was not really sure to have a good host family… you see? But when Sacha (the family’s son) came to drive us home, my opinion changed. He told us about the history of the city and he gave us many information. Sacha was very friendly.

When we arrived at his house, we met his sister, Sara, and his mother, Maria.

Maria is a very good cook. She made good meals every evening. They were very talkative. They never let us eat alone.

I think we had the best host family.

The only thing that was suprising for us is that Maria talked a lot about her religion.

Killian’s blog
Top 6
Most INCREDIBLE things I experienced
in my host family in Worcester
(the 4th is incredible)

I’m back home after a week in England so I’m going to write a top 6 about the most incredible things I experienced in Worcester in my host family

1 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
We had a cold welcome, our host were very cold and strict but they were organised and they had lived bad experiences before us.
2 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
The room was extremely big and kitch but really nice ! There were 4 giant beds for us !
3 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
The garden was well-mowed, the grass was very short.
4 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
The food was delicious but not local, and guess what? On Friday, we had pizzas but not only 1 pizza or 2… but 3 PIZZAS, that was amazing !!!!!
5 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
The son was funny but really cheeky, one day, he arrived in our bedroom and sang this song : “burn your clothes and put it in the loo”
6 ☺☻♥♦♣♠•♪
The bathroom was just for us ALL THE TIME !!!!!!!!! That was really good!



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